Sustainability at Peppers Silo Hotel Launceston

Dry Amenities

We are delighted to share our ongoing commitment to reducing single-use plastics in our guest rooms. As part of this initiative, we have made a significant decision to eliminate single-use dry amenities, taking a bold step towards a plastic-free environment.

We understand the importance of preserving our planet for future generations. By removing single-use plastic amenities such as toothbrushes, combs, and shower caps from our guest rooms, we are significantly reducing our environmental footprint. Instead, guests can request dry amenities by calling room service or using our online ordering service. 

Food Waste

At Peppers Silo Hotel, we are committed to reducing food wastage and promoting sustainable practices across our food and beverage outlets and conferencing department. We understand the importance of minimising our environmental impact while delivering exceptional culinary experiences to our guests.

Food Composting Strategy

90%+ of our food waste is separate from landfill and is sent the Launceston City Council Food organic composting facility. On our last measure some 24 tonnes of food waste was redirected from landfill.  The composted waste is transformed into fertilisers that are then used on our city’s gardens and parklands

Waste Reduction Strategy

Our waste reduction strategy is centered around repurposing food items that meet HACCP safety requirements. Instead of discarding these items, we incorporate them into other dishes whenever feasible. This approach not only reduces wastage but also allows us to create innovative and sustainable menu options for our guests.

Proactive Approach to Managing Animal-Based Proteins

We are dedicated to responsibly managing animal base proteins. Our direct connection with farmers means we not only exactly only what we need without excess but also maximising return from each animal by taking all the cuts and possible protein and incorporating across menus. This practice helps us reduce waste while maintaining the highest standards of culinary excellence.

Connection with Growers & Seasonal Based Menus

Through our direct connection with over 60 local growers and producers our menus feature 90%+ local produce.  Not only removing excessive freight and packaging but ensuring we only consume what can be grown sustainably in our local region

Enforcement of FIFO Protocols

To maintain proper stock rotation and prevent spoilage, we enforce FIFO (First In, First Out) protocols across all our food and beverage outlets. By prioritizing the use of ingredients based on their arrival date, we ensure that older items are used first, reducing the likelihood of food going to waste. This meticulous approach allows us to maintain the freshness and quality of our ingredients while minimising unnecessary waste.

By implementing an efficient surplus food redistribution system, employing a waste reduction strategy, adopting a proactive approach to managing animal-based proteins, and enforcing FIFO protocols, Peppers Silo Hotel is leading the way in reducing food wastage. We remain committed to sustainability and continuously seek new ways to improve our practices. Join us in our journey towards a greener and more responsible future.


Hotel waste is separated into co-mingle, cardboard, food waste and general waste.  Minimising out impact to landfill.  In addition we have taken a number of steps to further reduce water and embrace a circular system.

  • Our focus on local suppliers not only reduces packaging and freight – for many suppliers it means we can utilise re-usable delivery packaging.  Food is delivered in crates or boxes that are then collected by the same supplier on their next visit and re-used. Eliminating a vast amount of cardboard and other packaging materials

  • Our close relationship with these supplier and focus ordering means we reduce frequency of delivery further reducing packaging

  • We use vegetable based oils for frying and recycle these oils through a local supplier

  • Utilising re-useable large literage milk, by implanting a local innovation – The Udder Way – milk for our busy café and restaurant is delivered in 20l ‘kegs’ which are hooked up to a tap dispensing system.  These ‘kegs’ are then reused.  Eliminating thousands for plastic milk bottles annually

Just Water

Tasmania has some of the cleanest and freshest water anywhere in the world. Since 2023 Peppers Silo Hotel has not only eliminate single use plastic water bottles from its operation but has implemented Purezza filtered water system for all guest needs. 

All water for guest amenities, conferencing and restaurant use sourced from filtered Tasmanian water and served in re-usable glass bottles.  Removing hundreds of glass bottles and removing impacts to the environment from freight and waste collection.

Guests can enjoy the freshest water knowing without the lease possible impact to the environment

Large Amenities

As part of our ongoing efforts, we have made a significant decision to incorporate large format amenities, thereby minimising waste while continuing to deliver on the Peppers experience.

By transitioning to large pump forms, we are taking a proactive step towards reducing the environmental impact of single-use plastic bottles. Our indulgent Appelles amenities are now available in convenient, eco-friendly pump dispensers throughout our hotel. This innovative approach allows us to maintain the high standard of luxury and comfort that our guests expect, while simultaneously contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

By eliminating single-use plastic bottles, we are significantly reducing the amount of waste generated by our operations. This commitment aligns with our dedication to environmental stewardship and reflects our ongoing efforts to improve sustainability in all aspects of our hotel.

Community Support

Our connection to our local community runs deep.  We source over  90% of food and over 75% of beverage from local growers, producers and distillers and ensure we commit to sustainable procurement practices that allow these suppliers operate for the long term and care for the natural environment.

Through our hotel Canine Ambassador, Archie the Silo Dog, we support the work Guide Dogs Tasmania via donations from guest, event assistance and raising the profile of assistance dogs in the community.

Our Food Director, Massimo Mele, is an ambassador for Loaves and Fishes Tasmania – an organisation working with reclaimed food along with youth to combine work experience and careers in kitchens to create meals for their local communities.


We recognise our target market includes diverse communities that may have a range of needs and required responses, for which we maintain a watchful eye and are trained to respond sensitively, flexibly and adeptly. During booking, we seek to understand guest requirements such as accessibility, language, dietary, and cultural. If not provided, reception and events teams are trained to ask sensitive questions and design responses.

In 2023 Peppers Silo introduced the Vacayit app, developed to provide guests who are blind or with low vision to access high-quality immersive audio experiences. This QP, we recorded nearly 4,000 listens on the app, demonstrating this as a key market need.